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Spotlight on Safety - Working in Confined Spaces

Jul 1, 2024 9:16:49 AM | Culture & Community Spotlight on Safety - Working in Confined Spaces

June 2024 - Essential information and resources to help you champion safety when Working in Confined Spaces.

At Programmed, we all have part to play in making sure all of us go home safe to our loved ones every day. Our monthly Spotlight on Safety series is designed to help us keep safety in mind as our top priority and to champion our positive safety culture.

Our focus for June is Working in Confined Spaces.

Confined spaces present one of the most hazardous and potentially deadly working environments that we engage with, and as such, it's essential we follow all necessary processes and requirements to avoid serious risk. 


Back to Basics - Safe Work Essentials

Working in Confined Spaces is a high-risk activity, and as such, it's also one of our Safe Work Essentials.


What do we define as a 'confined space' and why are they so risky?

Confined spaces pose dangers because they are usually not designed to be areas where people work.

Confined spaces often have poor ventilation which allows hazardous atmospheres to quickly develop, especially if the space is small - examples might include area such as storage tanks, pipes, shafts, and tunnels.

The hazards are not always obvious and may change from one entry into the confined space to the next.

The risks of working in confined spaces include:

  • Loss of consciousness, impairment, injury or death due to the immediate effects of airborne contaminants
  • Fire or explosion from the ignition of flammable contaminants
  • Difficulty rescuing and treating an injured or unconscious person
  • Asphyxiation resulting from oxygen deficiency or immersion in a free-flowing material, such as grain, sand, fertiliser, water or other liquids.

Consideration also needs to be given if working near areas that can contain hazardous atmospheres. Under certain conditions, these atmospheres can create risks to workers.

A particularly notable and tragic example of the dangers of working near a confined space is shared in this recreation by Safe Work NSW, demonstrating the diverse nature of what can constitute as a confined space and the importance of following all necessary safety protocols.

Tools and resources

You can find a range of tools and resources for Working in Confined Spaces on our intranet by clicking below. Here, you'll find items such as permits, risk reviews, standards, Safe Work Method Statement (SWMS) - Job Safety Environment Analysis (JSEA), and entry procedures.

If you have any questions regarding these documents and procedures or have trouble accessing them, please reach out to your HSEQ team member or email safety@programmed.com.au.