Programmed Work and Smile Fridays

Opening up and starting a conversation with Speak & Share

Written by Communications | 13 September 2024 12:30:00 AM

This Friday, we share a story about a team's recent engagement in a 'Speak & Share' workshop to normalise conversations around mental health and teach skills to support others. This week, Australia recognised R U OK Day, while the world recognised World Suicide Prevention Day - making this story more timely than ever. 

Property Services' Grounds Victoria South East (GVSE) team, spearheaded by Branch Manager Ryan Johnson, recently participated in a mental health workshop run by advocacy organisation Speak & Share.

Speak & Share, based on Victoria's Mornington Peninsula, deliver interactive educational programs to raise awareness of mental health within our community, and importantly, reduce the stigma of mental illness. 

Our GVSE team members were assigned to small breakout rooms to complete activities which prompted understanding that conversation is key.

The workshop was very well received, with one team member describing it as "the best thing I have done at Programmed". Several team members also reached out to management for details about our EAP service following the activity.

In some feedback to Speak & Share, Ryan Johnson, Branch Manager, had this to say:

"A massive thanks for the boys for coming out to our Programmed Grounds South East workforce to speak regarding normalising the conversation around mental health.

The workshop was refreshing, with them speaking about their own struggles whilst ensuring the program was interactive and provided the team with some skills to dig a little deeper rather than just asking 'are you okay'?

My team's feedback was that it was the most engaged they has seen the group before so thank you and we will look forward to working with Speak & Share in the future!"

A very inspiring story reflecting a topic that ultimately impacts us all in some way, giving us a reason to smile For Me, For We, For Us, and For All Of Us.

If you have a story to share that demonstrates the reasons we Work and Smile, you can submit your story by clicking below. And don't be shy! Every accomplishment, big or small, matters.