FM NewsHub

Celebrating World FM Day 2024 - A message from CEO Graeme Hurn

Written by Facility Management | May 7, 2024 11:20:52 PM

On 8 May, we celebrate World FM Day - a day to recognise and celebrate the important contributions, achievements, and positive impact of the facility management community.
As facility management professionals, our work is essential in the very functioning of society's day-to-day life. Our work ensures that the spaces in which our communities live, work, and play are safe, functional, and productive. 
Such important work evokes a fundamental feeling of fulfillment - and on this World FM Day, we're focusing on that feeling and all the things that make us Work and Smile.

I'd also like to take the opportunity to highlight today's observance of National Receptionists Day, shining a light on the essential work done by the receptionists on our frontline. Without our receptionists here at Programmed, our business could not function, and we are endlessly grateful for the important work they perform every day. 
Our strong Programmed culture is constantly reflected by our workforce and underpins all of our successes. On World FM Day, I'd like to thank you all for the outstanding efforts and achievements continually demonstrated that make our business one to be truly proud of.

Take care and stay safe,

Graeme Hurn
Chief Executive Officer
Programmed Facility Management