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Henderson office's furriest coworker spreads joy

20 September 2024 10:28:53 AM | Programmed Facility Management Henderson office's furriest coworker spreads joy

An adorable addition to the team!

This Friday, we share an adorable contribution from New Zealand's Henderson office team showing us that Work and Smile 'For We' doesn't just end at our human team members!

Ben Brown, SDM - Digital Asset Capture, had this to share:
"Meet Rosie, our office superstar! 🐾 Rosie is a lovable Cavoodle who brightens up our days at the Henderson office. Every morning, she greets us with a wagging tail and a smile, making sure to stop by every desk for a pat.
But no matter how many admirers she has, Rosie always stays close to her favourite person, Christina (seen in photo with Rosie). Whether it’s a busy Monday or a relaxed Friday, you can count on Rosie spreading joy, attending meetings, and wagging her way into everyone’s heart."



What a gorgeous story for a Friday!

If you have a story to share that demonstrates the reasons we Work and Smile, you can submit your story by clicking below. And don't be shy! Every accomplishment, big or small, matters.