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Ismail's blooming career amongst Auckland's flower gardens

31 January 2025 12:15:00 AM | Programmed Facility Management Ismail's blooming career amongst Auckland's flower gardens

Ismail shares his reason 'Why'.

This Friday, we share a short but profound example of how our everyday work affects the broader community and how it contributes to our reasons to Work and Smile. 🌷

Ismail has been with Programmed for 4 months now working for the Auckland Council contract.
He takes pride in his job maintaining the amenity streets gardens so that the community can enjoy the beautiful display of flowers. 🌻


Ismail says that his Work and Smile is 'For All of Us'.
Thanks so much for sharing such a lovely story, Ismail!



If you have a story to share that demonstrates the reasons we Work and Smile, you can submit your story by clicking below. And don't be shy! Every accomplishment, big or small, matters.