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A BBQ breakdown and a bright idea - interns get hands-on experience

6 September 2024 10:14:41 AM | Programmed Facility Management A BBQ breakdown and a bright idea - interns get hands-on experience

A gathering leads to a learning opportunity!

This Friday, we share a story about a gathering turned learning opportunity for some bright, problem-solving interns! 

Our teams responsible for maintaining student accommodation at Curtin University value their monthly BBQ gatherings as an opportunity for the team to engage with village staff, strengthen relationships, and create a sense of community.

When the team first gathered at Vickery House for a BBQ, they encountered a minor hiccup - the BBQ didn't work!

Wayne Phillis, Contract Manager, shared the following story.

We maintain the student accommodation at Curtin University under a PPP and found these BBQ facilities had not been used for a long time. They were gas and a bit temperamental, so we tasked our Curtin interns working with our Asset Manager to review and suggest options to the team.

They elected to refurbish them within the existing structure, convert them to electric and undertook the procurement, project management and delivery of the works. Some great experience for them and the feedback from the Customer Service Manager at the village was fantastic, with them now looking forward to the warmer months and some great BBQ's.


"For all of us" - it is fulfilling to be able to update the facilities and provide a future gathering point for the residents to make some great memories of their time at university. This photo is of most of the Curtin PFM team just after our monthly toolbox and BBQ christening. The snags were yum!

An awesome story showcasing the spirit of what makes us come into work each day and a reason to Work and Smile! You can read even more about this story in a recent blog post on our website.

If you have a story to share that demonstrates the reasons we Work and Smile, you can submit your story by clicking below. And don't be shy! Every accomplishment, big or small, matters.